COMING SOON: applications to serve as a board member or team director in the 2023-2024 schoolyear!

"We are a group of Asian youths striving to uplift marginalized communities through education, activism, and celebration. Dear Asian Youth was founded in May of 2020 by Stephanie Hu, a 16-year-old who wished to create a platform to publish her poetry. It evolved into a blog dedicated to the Asian narrative, then a literary magazine, then a full-fledged organization with over 100 members on the national team. Functioning remotely, the organization today is the result of passionate volunteers with a shared purpose."

Dear Asian Youth is a youth-led literary magazine and organization that aims to empower, educate, and increase the political/societal engagement of Asian youth in the United States and beyond. We aim to increase awareness of the issues that many Asians face as well as embolden youth to feel proud of their heritage and culture. Dear Asian Youth seeks to connect Asian youth with others who share the same journey to becoming comfortable in their own skin, as well as with those who are looking to learn more about them and appreciate the diversity of their people. We aim to encourage them to use their voice and push for more change in a world that does well to undermine the beauty of who they are and where they come from. We hope to inspire and educate others to do the same. Our activities and chapters serve as a way for students to engage in these activities with their local schools and communities.

this chapter is open for membership to ALL high schoolers (both asians & non-asian allies) in the area. those who are above the age requirement and wish to participate are welcome to sign up as followers/supporters of our chapter by filling out a form (coming soon), which allows you to still be loosely involved in our activities without any member responsibilities!

required for membership! ⬇️

this page is currently under construction.

Welcome to DAY Prism, Dear Asian Youth's department focusing on LGBTQ+ topics! Prism works to highlight topics that relate to the LGBTQ+ community through articles and interview videos. Prism is made up of 50+ youth who all share a passion of advocating for the LGBTQ+ community globally.